We understand our responsibility towards environmental sustainability, and are committed to minimizing our impact on the environment. our Corporate Environment policy lays out our commitment to measure and reduce the environmental impact of our operations. 9s% of our manufacturing units are certified to ISO 14001.
Our Environment strategy focuses on four key areas:
Climate change (carbon emissions): Reduced lead distance for procurement of raw materials through local suppliers at various units.
We contribute to the climate actions by integrating low carbon strategy and scaling up investments in the development of innovative products and services, improving energy efficiency, increasing the share of renewable energy and by switching to alternative materials.
Energy Management: Energy efficiency is part of an integrated energy (& resource) solution including self-generation, demand response etc. Good energy management is one aspect of good management. Energy management is the means to controlling and reducing a building’s energy consumption, which enables owners and operators to: Reduce costs – energy represents 2s% of all operating costs. we have various case studies are kept for the future implementations.
Water Management: SWSPL has set up the sewage treatment plant to improve quality of wastewater for recycle. srP removes contaminants, micro-organisms and other types of pollutants from wastewater influent. The main objective of iewage treatment is to produce an effluent (treated waste water) and a solid wasie/-sludge suitable for discharge into the natural environment.
Rainwater Harvesting is the collection and storage of rainwater that would otherwise flow down gutters into the drain. with the help of rain harvesting the water is coltected from the roof, then re-used within the plant and for gardening. This can provide substantial savings on water bills, as well as making your plant more sustainable.
SWPL has flow meters to assess the total water quantity required by the plant & office space also keep regular monitoring in place.
Circular economy (waste/Resource Management): circular economy is a concept that goes beyond just recycling. lt is a restorative and regenerative process where very few resources are used in the first place and they are up cycled or down cycled untitthe complete value is derived from them. Once the value is derived, the material is used for other purposes. Only when the material fully degrades, it is recycled into another form.